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Make your celebration extra special with our Twisted Bouquet of Balloon Daisies.


This statement piece is perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to weddings. Each bouquet includes one or two dozen daisies, hand twisted and made out of high-quality balloons.


You can customize your bouquet with your choice of colors during checkout. Add a unique touch to your event with our handmade balloon flowers.


Please order a minimum of 3 days prior.

Twisted Bouquet of Balloon Daisies

PriceFrom $75.00
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • We deliver to Sacramento and the surrounding cities. There is also a free store pickup option at checkout. Delivery rate is calculated at the checkout.

    Should you receive an error message or "we do not deliver to this location", please text 916-439-7256. We probably deliver to that area and do not have the zip code entered into this new website yet.

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